Tuesday 7 July 2015

July 7th

The first week here was crazy and kind of a blur. There has been so much to adjust to, so many surprises, bumps in the road, and factors that did not occur to me or that I did not expect. I don't think that the people of Umarkhed were ready for a group of 10 Ohioans to invade their city. If I understand correctly, we are the first Americans that the majority of the people here have ever seen. This is clear everywhere we go. Every place we go, even if it's just right outside of our house, we get massive amounts of attention. At times it can be overwhelming and confusing, especially for someone who already gets uncomfortable in social situations. But at this point, I've become somewhat used to the attention and comfortable with it, and I've realized how kind and well-meaning everyone here is.
The first thought I had when we arrived in Umarkhed was that it's nothing like anywhere else I've ever been. It's less developed and further from American culture than anywhere I've traveled before. But what makes India stand out and seem worth it is the people. I think that people are confused and surprised to see a group of American females, but all they want is to talk to us, help us, and do absolutely anything that they can to make us feel at home. I've noticed that Indian culture is all about hospitality, family, friendship, and togetherness, which I love. Individualism does not seem to exist in India, and that is something that I am still adjusting to. But it's only been a week and I've already met people who I know I'll cry when I have to leave. This culture is one that is extremely hard to adjust to, but it's an amazing one once you start to understand it and accept it. 

These pictures show the types of stares we receive when going into town. Obviously subtlety is not valued in India. 

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